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Herbal Products

318 Items

Chuan Bei Mu - Granules (100g)G1064

Fritillaria (Chuan)  (Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae)  川貝母

Out of stock - Suggested replacement: Zhe Bei Mu
Item # : G1064

Category : Single Herb Granules

Zhe Bei Mu (Bei Mu (Zhe)) - Granules (100g)G1066

Fritillaria (Zhe)  (Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii)  浙貝母

Item # : G1066

Category : Single Herb Granules

Fen Bi Xie (Bi Xie) - Granules (100g)G1068

Tokoro  (Rhizoma Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae)  粉萆薢(萆薢)

Item # : G1068

Category : Single Herb Granules

Bai Bian Dou (Bian Dou) - Granules (100g)G1074

Dolichos Nut  (Semen Lablab Album)  白扁豆(扁豆)

Item # : G1074

Category : Single Herb Granules

Bian Xu - Discontinuing [Exp date: 4/2/2025] - Granules (100g)G1076

Polygonum Aviculare  (Herba Polygoni Avicularis)  萹蓄

Item # : G1076

Category : Single Herb Granules

Bo He - Granules (100g)G1082

Mint  (Herba Menthae)  薄荷

Item # : G1082

Category : Single Herb Granules

Bu Gu Zhi - Granules (100g)G1084

Psoralea  (Fructus Psoraleae)  補骨脂

Item # : G1084

Category : Single Herb Granules

Cang Er Zi [Chao] - Granules (100g)G1090

Xanthium Fruit  (Fructus Xanthii Praeparatum)  蒼耳子(炒)

Item # : G1090

Category : Single Herb Granules

Cang Zhu - Granules (100g)G1092

Atractylodes  (Rhizoma Atractylodis)  蒼朮

Item # : G1092

Category : Single Herb Granules

Zhi Cao Wu (Cao Wu [Zhi]) - Granules (100g)G1098

Aconite Tsao Wu (Prepared)  (Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii Praeparata)  製草烏

Item # : G1098

Category : Single Herb Granules, Monthly Special

Promotion : Buy 2 + 1 Free

Ce Bai Ye - Granules (100g)G1100

Biota  (Cacumen Platycladi)  側柏葉

Item # : G1100

Category : Single Herb Granules

Ce Bai Ye Tan - Granules (100g)G1102

Biota (Brown)  (Cacumen Platycladi Carbonisatum)  側柏葉炭

Item # : G1102

Category : Single Herb Granules